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Sample Citizenship Interview

This page is meant to provide to you a sample citizenship interview or at least a very good idea of what to expect during your citizenship interview.

After you are done reading through this page, you will have all the necessary information to pass your citizenship test. I strongly recommend you practice the test questions and answer as a form of giving yourself a sample interview.

Click here to access a list of sample questions and answers for the current sample citizenship interview and American Citizenship Test.

In addition, here is a sample of citizenship interview sentences asked.

I have also included a list of questions and answers for the new Pilot Program American citizenship immigration test being currently given in 10 cities (i.e. Albany, NY; Boston, MA; Charleston, SC; Denver, CO; El Paso, TX; Kansas City, MO; Miami, FL; San Antonio, TX; Tucson, AZ; and Yakima, WA.)

In the pilot test, you will have a writing test section where you will have to be able to spell a list of vocabulary words. You will also need to learn reading vocabulary list for the reading section of the exam.

Be aware that the new test is optional right now. Until further notice from the government, you may opt out of taking the new test during your immigration interview. Just let the officer know that you would like to take the original immigration citizenship exam.


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